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| /** * Butterfly * random cover */
'use strict'
hexo.extend.filter.register('before_post_render', function (data) { const { config } = this; const imgTestReg = /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|webp)(\?.*)?$/;
if (config.post_asset_folder) { if (data.top_img && !data.top_img.includes('/') && imgTestReg.test(data.top_img)) { data.top_img = `${data.path}${data.top_img}`; } if (data.cover && !data.cover.includes('/') && imgTestReg.test(data.cover)) { data.cover = `${data.path}${data.cover}`; } }
data.cover = data.cover === false ? randomCover() : (data.cover || randomCover()); return data; }, 0);
function randomCover() { const theme = hexo.theme.config; let cover = theme.cover && theme.cover.default_cover; if (Array.isArray(cover)) { cover = cover[Math.floor(Math.random() * cover.length)]; } else { cover = cover || theme.default_top_img || ''; }
if (theme.cover.suffix) { const suffix = theme.cover.suffix === 1 ? "?" : "&"; cover += `${suffix}${Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000)}`; }
return cover; }
,在目录下添加suffix: 1
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| cover: # display the cover or not (是否顯示文章封面) index_enable: true aside_enable: true archives_enable: true # the position of cover in home page (封面顯示的位置) # left/right/both position: both # When cover is not set, the default cover is displayed (當沒有設置cover時,默認的封面顯示) suffix: 1 # 结合上边的`random_img.js`,添加suffix: 1是为了用于使用随机图片api时,可以让同一页面的图片不同 default_cover: # - https://random.52ecy.cn/randbg.php # 这个也是随机图片api,暂不使用 # - https://www.dmoe.cc/random.php # 这个也是随机图片api,暂不使用 # - https://api.btstu.cn/sjbz/api.php # 这个也是随机图片api,暂不使用 # - https://imgapi.mitsumune.top # 这个也是随机图片api,暂不使用 # - https://api.btstu.cn/sjbz/api.php # 博天api - https://api.r10086.com/樱道随机图片api接口.php?图片系列=风景系列8&参数=json
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| 搏天:https://api.btstu.cn/ 樱道:https://api.r10086.com/ 樱花:https://www.dmoe.cc/ 保罗:https://api.paugram.com/ EEE.DOG:https://api.yimian.xyz/ 东方Project:https://img.paulzzh.tech/ likepoems随机图:https://api.likepoems.com/ Unsplash Image:https://source.unsplash.com/ 缙哥哥博客: https://api.dujin.org/pic/yuanshen/ LoliAPI:https://www.loliapi.com/ 栗次元:https://t.alcy.cc/